The last time King Crimson played Madrid was back in 2003 when the oldest track on the setlist dated back to 1974‘s Red. Thirteen years later and a very different line-up reach back even further in time to a piece that for so long defined and perhaps even dogged the band in its subsequent incarnations, at least until the end of the 70s. In this reading, it’s interesting to hear the way new life is breathed into the venerable piece via Tony Levin’s more discursive approach to the bass part and Mel’s reinterpretation of the classic flute solo.
In The Court Of The Crimson King
Written by Francisco Fuentes
My first experience of a nuclear explosion: A year after the fallout
A year ago to Madrid I went to harvest the fruits of my long planned goal of being witness of a live performance of this band. Oh boy! It was awesome beyond measure! After a year, the recolections of memories, sounds and images couldn't be freshier, it's like I just came out of the venue. Thanks to Mr. Stormy leakings I had a very good deal of knowledge beforehand of what could be played, or maybe hints of it, but I was pleased to know that there were still launchs into the unknown for all...
Written by Ricardo González
La mejor noche de mi vida.
Jamás pensé que podría ver en directo a King Crimson. Cuando escuché en que en 2014 se crearía una nueva formación pensé que habría alguna posibilidad de que visitasen Madrid, y así fue, dos años después. Puedo garantizar que este concierto fue la mejor experiencia que he vivido en mis 32 años. Simplemente increíble. La calidad de las actuaciones en vivo de esta banda con esta nueva formación es sencillamente espectacular. No sé ni por dónde empezar. Fripp es exactamente lo ...
