This show was a dream come true for a fan too young to have seen any of the previous line-ups and who discovered the Mighty Crim at a time when it seemed very likely that no incarnation would ever take to the stage again. Just being in the room with all of these performers for the first time was thrilling enough, but the double trio exceeded my expectations by fusing the clean lines that characterized the 80s material with a return to the ferocity of 70s, forging ahead with new material all the ...
This show was a dream come true for a fan too young to have seen any of the previous line-ups and who discovered the Mighty Crim at a time when it seemed very likely that no incarnation would ever take to the stage again. Just being in the room with all of these performers for the first time was thrilling enough, but the double trio exceeded my expectations by fusing the clean lines that characterized the 80s material with a return to the ferocity of 70s, forging ahead with new material all the while. A potent concoction that heralded the return of The Beast in no uncertain terms. As a bonus, this was my introduction to Trey and Pat, and following their work together in KC and out has provided one of the most exciting musical adventures of the last 20 years. I don't remember much about the specifics of this show, other than that it blew my tender young mind at Vancouver's finest music hall. I'd love to hear it again if the DGM vaults might permit. And I saved the flyer: