Rome Auditorium Conciliazione

AUDIO SOURCE: Soundboard



We all know that the seven-headed beast can make a fearsome noise but it’s increasingly been developing its capacity of creating quieter, less obviously dramatic spaces in which meetings with remarkable music can flourish. things happen. An example of this in the current setlist might include this version of Easy Money. Here Fripp’s solo seems to ooze from out of a different time and place entirely, flowing out into our world. At an entirely different end of the Crimson spectrum the build, with Jakko’s vocals, is also immensely powerful.
Rome Auditorium Conciliazione

AUDIO SOURCE: Soundboard



Easy Money

King Crimson Billboard Pisa - Adolfo Galli

King Crimson Pisa Airport Billboard - Adolfo Galli

Written by Barry Briscoe
Rewarding and Refreshing
The re-introduction of this song in 2015 was hugely welcome. Whilst it's a classic number, when I witnessed the seven headed beast perform it twice, it took my breath away. It was the most dynamic moment of the show as it grew so quiet and tense during the improv section, one could have heard a pin drop. This is the 4th version by the 21st Century Crim that DGM has begifted us and it's a perfect demonstration of how organic and fresh this band are as they keep on exploring, taking this to new pl...
Written by Brad Wilmot
Excellent take
After the amazing version of Cirkus I was looking forward to hearing Fracture, Indiscipline, and Glass Tears. When repeats of previously released tracks appeared I didn't initially recognize them as new performances and my first thought was Easy Money. Again? But this one was a pleasant surprise in the way the band changed up the solo section with Mel and Bob trading riffs over a looser rhythm section. Easy Money was the 70's band's Thrak. The improv section could go anywhere and often did...
Written by Orn Orrason
Like it
I like the extended mid-jam session. Not overplayed .. quite but exciting.Different from earlier in the tour but this part of the song gives so good platform to improvise and play with it. Goosebumps created at the office desk. I don know what fellow workers will say about this animated King Crimson fan.
Written by Rodd McLeod
the magic oozes
This is only song I can think of where the drums are in 4/4 but the vocals are in 7/8, which makes it feel like the singer is slithering in and out of the beat. This performance captures that slither perfectly and accentuates it with percussion crackling as other voices (saxophone, guitar, mellotron, vocals and bass) throwing long ropes of sound across the top. It sounds as if Noah's Ark got marooned in a swamp and the creatures all got out and boogied their way across until they hit dry land, a...

Band diaries / Press reviews

Following the recent trend of these diaries, I shall continue to swim in three separate time streams - of which the present is much the least interesting, even if the cold snap in Broadchalke did make my morning jog more bracing than normal. At breakfast with Robert recently, I commented that I would happily take the pointed stick of my jog each morning rather than his cold shower. This morning it felt like I got both. Thereafter the day was spent mostly co-ordinating the concerted multi-agency attack on rogue elements within the website. We shall overcome! The historic thread, following the recent King Crimson tour, moves from Florence to Rome (via a four hour non-stop trip in a "luxury" coach on which the toilet facilities had neither light nor flush. Somewhat unfairly challenging for t...
