ET eye-witness Kevin Rhoades shared his thoughts on the evening at the time. “Pat and Trey exchanging mischievous glances, working as tightly together as Tony and Bill; Robert pleased throughout, grimacing only during the painfully fast passages of FraKctured and Larks IV, often amused by Adrians antics; and irrepressible, ebullient Ade himself, having the time of his life bending, jabbing, and thrashing his Stratocaster all over the place, grinning all the way. By the time they were playing Red, Pat was laughing with his mouth wide open from all the energy in the room, although he may have been reacting to the kooks doing whippets in the front row!” Whippets, the urban dictionary informs us,involves the inhalation of nitrous oxide found in refillable whipped cream canisters. Well.
For those looking to download one show you might be interested in knowing that this gig was mixed from multi-track ADAT.