There are so many highpoints in this concert; the yearning lyricism found within Live Groove; an elegiac Vector Drift that flirts with the Thrush; the playful gamboling of Light ConstruKction; the thundering rock-out rendition of X_chayn_jiZ as Fripp goes bonkers; Ade’s Heavy ConstruKction hyper-disco tendencies against which Trey swoops and soars; the full-on freight-train-comin’-at-ya force of Contrary ConstruKction and a scorching Thrush that really brings the house down.
For his part, Trey Gunn was impressed with what went down. “Wow, what a night! There must be something in the air here in New Haven...This was a heavy and strong night, as well. The audience was with us from the start and it seemed that they were wishing us to go entirely off the edge. We obliged to our capacity, and then went even further!”