Another punter, Marcin Gokieli, had these choice comments to share "never belive in what people write as KC gig reviews. I do not think words can tell you anything about such a 'hot date'" Nevertheless Marcin continues "the tune that came after Waiting Man was somewhat similar to Neurotica. I mean, the words were the same, and the middle part also. But nothing more"
You kind of know what Marcin means. Over time the piece has undergone something of a transformation, evolving from its mutant jazz swing into something far more thrakkish and metallic. You could almost pogo to those verses given the punkish speed at which they are dispatched.
Elsewhere on the percussion front, Prism makes it's debut on the Crimso setlist.
For Ferenc Riesz “Red, Schizoid Man and The Sheltering Sky were the finest moments of the show”. The Sheltering Sky has consistently provided the show with a beautiful highlight and this one is no exception. Crimson are starting to hit their stride.