A person calling themselves Mischievous was very enthusiastic about the whole night, including the bleeping and droning part of the evening. “Robert started the show and it was marvelous ... he did some weird wizard movie-like music, weird in a good way. he sort of created a wizz atmosphere, got me all excited about what is about to come.”
Even in the jam sessions in the other parts of the set, M was impressed: “we saw little of ***Robert***, he was way in the back (i could see him, but some couldnt), but he played awsome. now i dont know too much about what is the best playing, but i must say i think Robert's playing was the best, his fingers seemed like they were hardly moving while he was doing some really fast pieces!...”
From the guitarists stool comes this somewhat terse but to-the-point observation “The Soundscapes set was not liked by all."