However not everyone was so quick to dismiss what they were hearing as Theox makes clear. “I didn't see him though, he was sitting somewhere in the back of the stage, I think. He played music that wasn't really a song, it was more like an atmosphere of sound.... A lot of people didn't get his set, after 10 minutes people were walking out of the place. I felt the same at first, but then I put myself in a meditative state and sat there feeling the music inside my head. After that I enjoyed it very much, and I felt sorry for those who gave up listening instead of finding a way to enjoy it.”
Finally, Googolplex offered some career advice to the soundscaper “I felt a bit bad because I am sure he could do much better show if he would take a different approach as I know he could play almost any kind of music if he wanted.”
Buyer beware: there’s some very slight and very brief digital distortion toward the end of Paradise Lost and momentarily in the early parts of Paradise Regained.