Posted by
Mariana Scaravilli
on Oct 10, 2022
The final evening with two Englishmen Abroad, Robert & David's 2022 tour, yesterday in Chicago...
RF: An Evening Of Burning Questions, and one or two simpering enquiries, with two Englishmen Abroad at the City Winery, Chicago I...
Englishmen Abroad, and the Sister of one of them, at the City Winery, Chicago II...
Probably the highest proportion of people who, judging by their comments, have been deeply touched by the music of KC / RF. Questions were rarely straightforward and succinct, and mostly preceded by a detailed exposition of a questioner’s engagement with KC music. The audience were patient with their fellow audients, generous, attentive, engaged. Gratitude to all.
Our longest presentation at 3 hours and 5 minutes.