Responses To the Guestbook:
1. John Purves' comments (15 May) on the Collectors' Club are well timed. We are considering the future of the Club, and how it may develop on the basis of our experience with the first year's releases. I'll report on this in more detail when The Big Three discuss this next Friday.
2. Emory & K. Pfeiffer: holding "yes" & "no" simultaneously is almost a commonplace experience in our lives, surely? Isn't this a practical example, available to all of us, even those not interested in the abstrusities of post-quantum computing. Radical neutrality is the third experiential term.
3. Richard Snow (30 April): DGM / RF postings are available for use, testing & quoting where they serve a useful function. This is one of DGM's aims. If our work has value, then this is available to the larger community to support their work. And their work supports us. Considerations of courtesy & attribution apply: if you quote us, please acknowledge the source.