Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 01 March 1999

Toyah amp I have returned

18.01 Toyah & I have returned from a weekend in the Midlands and North. Her Godmother Gee was 100 years old on Saturday and we went to her birthday party in Pershore. Gee & Alec live next door to the cottage where Toyah's parents are about to move for their retirement, leaving the Willcox family home in Brummytown.

Afterwards we drove to Manchester where Toyah was appearing on the "Heaven & Earth" show Sunday morning. Then we returned to Pershore for a social Sunday evening and a Monday morning walkabout. Toyah spent a lot of her growing-up time in Wyre Piddle.

As a corollary to this, last Thursday I drove around Dorset and revisited much of my own geographical background, and discovered parts of Dorset I have never known. With more time I would present a fuller report to this Diary of Fripp's Rural Rides through Dorset, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire & up to Manchester, but briefly it's this: much of the countryside enjoys a sustainable poverty. The poverty is economic, cultural & of the spirit. Jellicoe's intuition that humankind will eventually cover the earth, and hence the importance of landscape gardening & architecture, presently resonates.

Back home, I went straight into a meeting of both The Big Three & The Big Four. We are addressing a radical revibration & recalibration of how DGM operates in response to our deepening perception of who and what we are.

One important piece of information to pass on: our business continues to be clogged by callers who insist on treating DGM as the de facto King Crimson Fan Club. Callers become irate when, after a long conversation addressing a small point nominally to do with mail order (this seems to be the most frequent opening gambit), our DGM Team-member attempts to terminate the call and return to their proper business. However much I draw attention to this, the practice persists. This is depleting team morale, and is a drain on our time & energies. So, I shall respond to this shortly with an appropriate strategy. Meanwhile, ET awaits.

21.27 Just off the 'phone with Stan Hertzman, Adrian's manager, and Trey. Pat has also called in today. Crimson's next step is closer. And Trey enjoyed his week's work with Vernon Reid (envy, envy).

The Little Horse has telephoned to say goodnight. My Sister has also called: she saw the new Nicholas Cage movie yesterday (more envy).

