Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Saturday 09 June 2001

The rehearsal process is exhausting

The rehearsal process is exhausting, for me. Pat is a trooper in this regard: his motion, as befitting the Crimson Propulsion Unit, is unstoppable. Trey is also a hero, as befitting a Rhythm Buddy. Adrian arrives, does the job, and then leaves. I arrive, begin to dribble very quickly, and at the end of the period, manage to drive back to Chateau Belewbeloid before dehydrating from excessive dribbling and/or becoming incontinent.

Thursday's rehearsals were hilarious, with some classic moments of unintended humour. Like, in "TCOL" Pat striking a downbeat. This might seem entirely reasonable, or helpful, in any other outfit. But what has a downbeat for Pat & Trey got to do with a downbeat for Adrian and his Guitar Buddy? Our meters are spinning away and, while enjoying a relationship with the Rhythm Buddies' metrical unfolding, it takes time before the form makes sense and a happy ending appears. Or not. So, on this occasion, Pat's downbeat made no sense at all to the Front Line at the moment it was struck. And, equally as hilarious, Pat hit the downbeat another 30 seconds later - that is, the Rhythm Buddies' downbeat - as if that made any sense to the Front Line either! The FL continued on their way, quite content that they managed to end the section within proximate shouting distance of the Rhythm Buddies.

Another highlight: at the end of a falling interlocking guitar sequence in 5/8 from "Level Five", abrasive and acrid enough to shave the fine hairs from an inner ear at a distance of miles, Adrian looked up and said:

AB: I played it right. Beginning on G.
RF: G sharp.

AB & RF: You don't get much closer than that.

At least, not in the Western system. Crimson srutis abound.

Friday had some awfully hilarious moments but, as the performances grow closer, humour is blending with terror.

Almost all my time & attention is directed towards preparations for performance, so should any e-correspondents find my responses more tardy than usual, please forgive me.

