Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Wednesday 06 January 1999

The Mouse is back At

11.28 The Mouse is back.

At 02.50 this morning the rattling and banging which disturbed me on my return from the US in December has returned to disturb me now. An impressive noise from behind the bedroom fireplace continued for five hours.

Perhaps Mouse reads the DGM Guestbook and has been frightened away by the many suggestions of how to despatch mouses by luring them towards a trap. Michael Peters' support, for allowing Mouse to continue excreting on food shelves and disturbing my sleep patterns, may not have been a sufficient counterbalance to Web visitors' more final alternatives.

Actually, I have not pursued the demise of Mouse, hoping it received telepathically and empathetically the instructions to live elsewhere in the house, or beyond.

Matt Seattle, Border piper, was to visit World Central today but is now unable to visit until next week.


A tasty chocolate truffle is in wait for a Mouse which won't take a strong hint. "The Little Nipper" is now loaded and in our bedroom fireplace.


"Little Nippers" are now in place in the revolving food cabinet in the kitchen by the plentiful mouse droppings, and in the scullery cupboard where once stood proudly the third and final tier of our wedding cake. Both Nippers are proffering tasty truffles to the unwary nibbler.

On one of The League of Crafty Guitarists' tours (I believe we were in Denver, 1990) plates of food were placed by their "owners" in our dressing room for snaffling after the gig. On Steve Ball's plate was a prominently displayed sign: "Eat = Die".

Meanwhile, Soundscapes have moved through the Bronco Center, Dallas to Mud Island, Memphis on October 11th. 1997. On the DAT inlay card is written: "This may be the debut of Space Music, as such". I remember the show, looking across the river to the pyramid; and taping an interview with Tommy Vance for VH1 using the camera crew my wife used in England for her VH1 shows.


Hugh claims that the Devil Bug has passed him by. I sense the Devil is at hand, seeking to suck upon my psyche. Be off, Foul Creature!

Our Benelux distributors have, this afternoon, asked me via Diane to visit for interviews. I am happy to return to La Grande Place, and suggest to Diane that perhaps Poland and Italy would welcome a flying Fripp as well?

