Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 10 December 1998

The Morning Shift is well

11.26 The Morning Shift is well underway, amidst a flurry of interesting and exciting movements which I recognise as the future waving to us.

David & I have just now been considering an album which we have been offered for release. My comments may therefore be taken as an addendum to the "independent & struggling artist" posting from last night.

The key is this: when DGM takes on a record it inevitably undertakes a relationship with a person. David & I may say "yes" to a record, but inevitably Diane becomes involved in the personal & business repercussions: that is, A&R. This is natural: a record company is responsible for presenting to the public a reflection of the artist's private & essential world. Necessarily, this is connection.

So, unless DGM / RF senses and feels a connection to any particular artist or their work, why undertake an involvement in their lives?

If the artist is "struggling", this involves DGM in their "struggle": energy, time, advice and money are all involved. It is irresponsible for me to authorise expenditure of these kinds, particularly where it draws on the life energy of others, towards a new artist (established or otherwise) when this compromises our already existing undertakings and responsibilities.

But isn't this obvious, even to a "struggling independent artist"?

I receive (many) posts from aspirant artists along the lines of "DGM is an independent record company. I'm an independent artist who wants help. Therefore it behoves you to help me". It behoves me to ask: why? The answer to this is surely: "Because I want it".

This is unrealistic, if not arrogant: DGM is not a fat teat with an endless flow of nutrients available to (even) the deserving poor. We feed our children, and a few more where we can. Discrimination, as well as compassion, is involved in the judgements and distinctions we regularly make.


"Neon Heat Disease" is on its first ears-on through-view. Chris has joined us to have his auricles tickled with Crim delights. Excitements: this is not a retrospective of 1980s Crim, with continuing reverberations into the 1990s, but a report on where King Crimson is today.

The "Climbing Wonder Wern" from "VROOOM VROOOM" ascends remorselessly and inevitably to its release and a series of descending cascades.


Lots of information to be mulled and digested.

