Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Tuesday 22 December 1998

The Afternoon Shift is currently

15.36 The Afternoon Shift is currently listening to the Mel, Boz & Ian version of Crimson with a view to selecting contributions to Volume Two of "Cirkus", which addresses the Crim repertoire in live performance between 1969-74.

"Pictures Of A City" from Orlando in the Spring of 1972 has Mel Collins reminding me, were it needed (and it's not), of what this stunning sax player contributed to Crimson.

The Psyche Flapper is on form this afternoon. The young Bozzell's tongue is aerobicising a sequence of words unlkely to have been sung in close proximity before c. 1970. Celine Dion & Cher, both of whom are currently in the UK singles' chart, have recorded lyrics by the Psyche Flapper: Celine's huge hit of 1996 had Peter's words. But I don't think C&C would be Chart Groovers singing the lyrics currently exercising Bozzell's tongue, even to the melodies of "My Heart Will Go On" or "Believe". Thus the professional opinion of Venal Leader & Shameless Marketing Weasel, Heartless CEO of alarming insignificance, Diarist & potential dispatcher of pretty rodents who have a taste in confectionery.

Declan Colgan, Hero, telephoned this morning advising me to see "Mousehunt" before putting out any more tasty Stilton for our House Mouse. Mouse declined to take any interest in the Stilton presented to it in either of the friendly / unfriendly scenarios and, also this morning, was making a ton of noise in the ceiling above the scullery cupboards (former site of our now-consumed third tier of wedding cake).

Snapshots of life at DGM World Central:

1. Hugh the Fierce, Art Department and cruel taskmaster who keeps your Diarist to his writing deadlines, has collapsed this afternoon with Devil Bug. Hah! - that's what you get for being fierce to over-worked guitarists, even those who are spiky tykes. Hugh the Pitiable & Ex-Fierce has had the intelligence, courtesy and consideration to remove himself from where he might infect other Disciplinarians.

2. Chris Murphy is returning to Washington DC tomorrow to spend Christmas with his family.

3. Diane, DGM's Big Third is in Los Angeles to vibrate with Amy, Bill, Eric & Pam at DGM West Central, and has just telephoned to touch base. Plans for the presentation of "Deja VROOOM" on January 27th. 1999 are close to being finalised. We are intending to invite Club Members to the presentation, in addition to the industry / press presence. Numbers are limited so we'll probably employ a first come - first serve basis for reservations. More on this later.

4. Club Release No. 2 has been posted out and we are preparing to Fairy Dust the Larks' Crimson with Jamie Muir for Club Release No. 3. King Crimson in the South of France (Cap d'Arge & Frejus) 1982 is under consideration for Release No. 4 in April 1999.


This afternoon is vibrated. Volume Two is now ready for the contributions by the Wilton Carpet, Belden Stratford & Daniel Dust King Crimson.

