Suite Quite Acceptable Hotel Acceptable
Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Monday 21 August 2006

Suite Quite Acceptable Hotel Acceptable


Suite Quite Acceptable, Hotel Acceptable, Tallinn.

Morning View I…



Rising at 06.40, or 04.40 English time, or 05.50 Sant Cugat time, and to the Pumping Chamber for breakfast buffet; but too dozy to fully embrace the opportunity of a long reflective breakfast. Nevertheless, an enjoyable time with Anthony Blake’s Structures Of Belief, an essay by the Estonian historian Dr. Margus Laidre, currently the Ambassador of the Estonian Republic to London, and Soundcapes with The LCG in Italy.

The in-house Noise Pollution Unit was set to exuberant! and prompted the thought: muzak is to the musical impulse what advertising is to truth.

A walk around the old town & up the hill to the Lutheran church near the Orthodox cathedral. I am unfamiliar with the churches of Lutheran Christianity. This church is in the process of restoration, with a restorer working away steadily at the back. Box pews with doors are nowadays exceptionally rare in English churches; as are carved wooden coats of arms, rather than the marble commemoratives of English churches. There are many paintings, with a different flavour to the Orthodox, Roman & English variations on a theme.

Arriving back at the hotel by 12.40 to find a guitar in the room, sent for practising with a note from John Sinks. John arrived this morning, straight from touring the US with Ade & The Slicks, was collected by our promoter from the airport & ready to hit the pillow.

To lunch with an Estonian friend & his wife. He took us to visit the wonderful church where we are Churchscaping tomorrow, situated close by the marzipan museum; then to a fabbo lunch at Restaurant le France. The sky opened before the dessert course, T & I walked back to our hotel with a borrowed umbrella & the gift of Estonian cheesecake. This is unlike American cheesecake, and has something of the consistency of an Indian sweetmeat. That is, it’s great.

A warm day, and currently grey & wet.

There has been a lot of cruise ship activity…


… and construction work…


19.23 Practising keeps me sane.

19.29  My Wife & I have been discussing my future career. She suggests that, should I abandon touring, I have a book in me. I asked her: what’s the name of the book? She replied: “Miserable Git” – it’s an autobiography.

She is gurgling with laughter as I type this into the diary.

21.14  Back from further promenading around the old town. Legs are no longer snapping like whipcords. A tasty light supper of soup & salad.

Nightviews I…



