The performance: the sound was utterly different to the sound check but, overall, open spaces are better sounding for us than nearly all the venues in Germany. But tonight was cold & the first time when I've wondered whether my fingers are too cold to play "FraKctured". My nose dribbled at one point.
But a good, supportive audience (with punctures) had a good hearted group to play to them. But, as far as we could tell, probably not our best performance.
Witlessness abounds and synapses fail to quite explode. A shower awaits and a new day for Crimsonising. We heard from Richard Chadwick last night that the freight costs of getting our equipment to Australia are prohibitive so, regrettably, we won't be Antipodeanising the Crim following Japan. But we tried. We would have played for nothing, but we can't lose.