Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 12 March 2010

Parford Well BampB Most Acceptable


Parford Well, B&B Most Acceptable, Sandy Park, Chagford.


A booby-cougher at breakfast. Well.  There was also a booby-cougher at The New Forge yesterday afternoon But not enough to disturb the Breakfast Superbo Of Wonder served at Parford Well, merely a point of note.

Off to work.

11.45    Super Audio Mastering, Monks Withecombe,

A second week with the Master, Simon Heyworth


ITWOP – the stereo Wilson-Fripp remixed album. Significant moves forward from last week. Now, it is listenable throughout with stunning musicianship from Michael Giles, Mel Collins & Keith Tippet. Even The Devil’s Triangle works. We have inserted PQ points for each of the three parts of the DT suite, to aid those who might like to move it along to the third part; where popular music forms drop into the black hole & disappear with 1969, which never quite got into 1970, along with a pile of sea-going vessels.

Fine-tuning continues & incremental advances have significant effect, even to a surprising degree.

11.51    Simon: This is the first time I’ve listened through to this album right. Simon has listened through to this album on several occasions for some years. This value-judgment is also true for me, and I’ve been listening to it for a lot longer.

13.02    We have also mastered some added-value tracks, not all of which add personal value. But then, I am not much interested in the gory history of alternative versions. Neverthless, if I were, I would be thrilled by an early trio Devil’s Triangle prior to multi mellotron-overdubs. In some ways it is stronger than the final mix I…




14.41    A stunning Monk’s Withecombe lunch. During this I mentioned one of my all time favourite clips. A hoot.

18.08    E-arisings of the day:

1.    Continued problems with UMG in two of its forms. Firstly, an unlicensed release of Epitaph. Secondly, a complete inability to account for publishing royalties

2.    An enquiry as to my interest in the Dear Andrew letters being published in book form…


These were the letters written, mainly in 1991-1992 to Andrew Stanger, Mr. Alder’s creature at EG. The letters were in response to the dissembling & evasion of Mr. SG Alder & EG when asked to address non-payment of artist monies & various other matters, such as managing conflict of interest, transparency, accountability, distributive justice, common decency, equity & goodwill. Frank in their tone, the letters were copied widely in the industry & acquired something of a reputation for their robustness. These have been referred to before in this Diary…

22nd October 2008
29th July 1998

Meanwhile, back in the land of a King Crimson copyright sold by Messrs. Alder & Fenwick to Virgin in 1991, since reclaimed following litigation, here on Dartmoor we have arrived at The Devil’s Triangle in surround, continuing tomorrow.

18.42    Parford Well.

Reading The DU III.

22.53    An evening computing. Done.

