Monasterio Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles / Monjas Dominicas,
Mare de Deu del Roser, 2.
Sant Cugat (08174).
Rising at 0615.
The Practice Of Doing Nothing at 07.30.
10.23 Breakfast at 08.00. Silence visited & was accepted.
Personal meetings beginning at 09.00. The faithful have been arriving for the live tv service in Catalan from the Church…
The Beginners Team discussions are in the ballroom at 09.15…
Ballroom view…
T’ai Chi at 09.45.
12.32 Personal meetings throughout the morning.
14.34 Lunch performance of 3 pieces by The LCG, one by Radiohead, one by Morricone, the last by Ralph Gorga from the early days of The LCG: Hard Times. One question for RF, Silence visited afterwards & was accepted.
The Beginners Team is about to meet in the Ballroom, which space is theirs until dinner at 18.30.
Early afternoon views I…
15.56 A Developing Variations meeting with Martin.
17.32 Tea at 16.00 with two performances. The first was fun, the second set a new standard for dismal. The playing was fine, the piece was dismal. There is probably a time & place for music as dismal as this; but not at teatime; not at teatime today; and not at teatime today in Sant Cugat.
Meeting at 17.45 with a quorum of the SSG IV currently addressing triads & DU II.
20.21 Dinner at 18.30 with good performances by The LCG & another group, a group that did not speak its name.
Performance at 20.30 followed by the Final Meeting.
22.17 The Beginners’ Performance for the House: an honourable performance with a mostly well-behaved audience; eg nothing was thrown at the players.
The Final Meeting followed immediately with nearly all comments from the Beginners. Thanks were given & re-iterated to Director Nunez & Mariana in the GC Office; Sergi our local Facilitator; Buddies Martin, Luciano & Leo; Luciano also for T’ai Chi; Mariella for Alexander; the Kitchen Team for feeding us throughout the Course; the Kitchen Triumvirate of Heike, Thomas & Poopak for Kitchen Co-Ordination; our French House Manager Sylvain; and Dr. Mike for ongoing work in Guitar Craft, much of which is invisible.
The Beginners Course was declared completed at 21.27. This moment has gone. It will not return.
The shop has opened, practicalities & travelling arrangements are being addressed, and a housework & personal-space-cleaning meeting at 22.45.
A meeting with Hernan overviewing
immediate & future plans; next year for The
OCG & a possible Guitar Craft visit to Rosario in the Autumn. Hernan
has carried away the Beaudoux Pro Model I have used on this course, which has
been sold. A Beaudoux GC Pro Series V will be waiting my return here next
February, Hernan tells me.