Monasterio Nuestra Seora De Los
Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Monasterio Nuestra Seora De Los


Monasterio Nuestra Señora De Los Angeles / Monjas Dominicas,

Mare de Deu del Roser, 2.

Sant Cugat (08174),



Rising at 06.20.


The Practice of Doing Nothing at 07.30. A mosquito landed on my left cheek & sat there for 15 minutes but did not bite.

At breakfast, 2 people who did not introduce themselves last night did so.


11.54  Guitar Meeting for Beginners in the Ballroom at 10.00, 13 in the Circle;

beginning by choosing a note, this three times;

introduction to passing notes in the Circle;

introduction to the First Primary,


13.42  Lunchtime performance by The LCG. Comments invited. Two happy Americans, so far. Also, comments presented on the difference between extemporisation & improvisation.

Alexander with Mariella in the Ballroom at 15.00.

Tea at 16.00.

Pix & strings for sale in Room 22 at 16.30.


18.25  Guitar Meeting with Beginners in Ballroom at 17.00:

beginning with extemporisation from a chosen note;

basic forms in circulating: basic forms left, right, left & right alternating; +1;

moving the First Primary a little towards fingerboard knowledge & music via the Third Primary, recommending to establish a point of certainty, perhaps an A. Knowing an A, we know where is the B flat, the B, the C, and so on.

Vamping on A natural minor / C major.

T’ai Chi with Luciano at 18.30 outside.


21.26  Dinnertime performance of 2 pieces by The LCG.

Dinnertime comments. One on inner considering. Another on vamping within the Guitar Meeting: the student feeling they & their 2 notes were one small part of the mandala. Questions on Silence & how to better enter into the Silence. A relaxed tiramisu served for dessert.

While shaving: 3 mosquito bites! How did they get there? No warning at all.

House of Guitars for whoever would like to arrive with a guitar in the Ballroom at 21.45. The LCG will be rehearsing in the chapel.

Director Nunez reports that tomorrow morning he is going to visit other possible performance spaces for The OCG’s public debut next February.

22.53  A Circle of 28 guitars. Circulating; moving to whizz circulating without the word whizz being mentioned.


