I have been writing & fine-tuning guitar programs in preparation for today's return to Crimsonising. Ken is arrived and was astonished to discover Adrian's full-commitment haircut. The outbreak of laughter and "whoas!" from other Crim arrivistes suggested that they, too, were discovering Adrian's radical follicalising.
Adrian left a note on my desk informing me that he renamed the Rising Bridge in "Larks' IV" as "Rising Bulge" because he believed that its qualities were sufficiently exceptional as to generate tumescence among the male audience. Alternatively, for those who prefer Anglo-Saxon to Latinate terminology, because it's good enough to give you a stiffie.
And my flight to Argentina on March 28th., arriving March 29th. 2000, for the next Guitar Craft course in South America has been confirmed.
We are returned from Loco Lupe's and the Monster Margarita for a listen-through to our current state of being. Today focused on "Larks' V" - beginning and ending - with offsets, harmonies, triple offsets and lots of counting. Then, we began addressing the architecture of "Seizure".