Hotel Quite Acceptable U District
Hotel Quite Acceptable, U District, Seattle.
Rising at 05.00…
Morning reading I…
Anticipating reading pages 3-18 for the third time, in preparation for posting to the SSG IV DU Reading Group site, my eyes fell upon the Table Of Contents & I felt drawn to a particular section; accompanied by a sense that this was the proper reading for me this morning. And so it was. Recommended to those with an interest in Guitar Craft, the what & the why that it is what it is.
Now back in room, e-flurrying, packing I…
10.15 A walk down to Bulldog News for the Weekend FT, breakfast at a local Greekery I…
… with a call to the Minx in Blackpool. Yippee! Now final packing & soon to close down the desk.
The toe-nail that welcomed me here on Tuesday evening has not yet left I…
Will it be here next Saturday afternoon? I wonder.
Lobby call for 11.00 & off to Raft Island in the Transportation Craft. Or perhaps that should be the Craft Transporter?
16.56 St. George’s Hut, All Saints Retreat Center, Raft Island,
Gig Harbor, WA 98329.
Punctual loading & departure from Hotel Quite Acceptable, a fully-loaded Transporter, arriving here to good but-not-quite-hot weather, c. 12.35 I…
Lunch at 13.00 with c. 21 people present, a handful arriving during the meal. On the washing-up shift & unpacking.
Mariana of the Guitar Craft Office in Kiel delivered the digitized original version of The Dramatic Universe (1952), accompanied by marzipan nourishments.
I noticed Hellboy Tom walking by St. George’s so leant out the door & shouted: Go away! Tom came over anyway. We agreed: the door is always locked so Tom can drop by anytime:. Shortly afterwards, Pablo arrived bearing chocolate nourishments.
Socks & smalls, hand-washed in the handbasin, now hanging to dry.
Tea at 16.00. C. 35 people are now here, Drummer Bill among them. Bill has been at the Alexander Workshop For Drummers, held in town & directed by Sandra Bain Cushman, Alexander Person on this course. Bill is just off to pack for moving home; this preparatory to leaving for New Orleans & recording with REM. We caught up briefly & will regroup for more road adventures in the New Year.
Interest expressed by two participants here in joining the SSG IV DU Reading Group.
17.03 Online with wireless broadband: this is a first on a GC course.
The Seattle Circle site has this…
Robert Fripp and the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists
Tuning the Air presents
Robert Fripp and the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists
Fremont Abbey Arts Center
Doors at 7:45pm Showtime: 8:15pm
No reservations: first come, first seated
Admission $10, cash at the door
Tuning the Air season passes accepted
The course has not yet been given this information.
21.13 Dinner at 19.30, 30 minutes later than anticipated.
Silence visited, and hung around.
All those present have been on at least one previous course, so three assumptions were made:
everyone present, however they might define it, is seeking to refine their practice;
familiarity with the GC House Rules (posted on the board)…
Staff Meeting at 20.30 in St. George, looking at an overview for the next five days, and tomorrow until teatime in detail. The seats have a bright, welcoming glow…
… glowing about as much as the last time they assaulted my feeble vision.
The first posting on the board now has this course as The Orchestra Of Crafty Guitarists II; rather than as Preparation for The OCG II in Italy next March I…
No-one has yet commented on this to me.
Inaugural Meeting in the Chapel at 21.30.
22.30 At 21.34 this course was acknowledged as underway.
Those present introduced themselves, declaring:
who we are;
where we come from;
what brought us here;
our aims for the course.
Good comments & aims, some from participants we have not seen for some time.
My own three primary aims:
to address what goes on inside us when we are playing guitar;
to support the Seattle Circle;
to prepare for the GC Completion Course next March in Italy.
That course is / was billed as The OCG II. Actually, that is now The OCG III. This is The OCG II. Who has mobile broadband? (A good smattering of hands, perhaps 15 or so). For anyone who has visited the Seattle Circle site today will see that TTA Presents RF & The OCG at Fremont Abbey this coming Thursday, doors open at 19.45, performance at 20.15. We have 4 days to prepare.
Tomorrow’s schedule was addressed. Sandra is working with the TTA & High Flyers tomorrow at 15.00 in the dining room.
An enquiry: what shall the Low Fliers do? We addressed a division of attention exercise, not presented in GC before, that they might like to practice.