Last night's performance began strongly and then slowly ebbed away as the show's energy poured into the sieve. The flash only confirmed what was already apparent.
We began with a strong "Larks'" and then very quickly came the impression: this is like playing a Dorset village hall during the 1960s. Pat's take afterwards was that it felt like a High School Prom. Same energy, different culture. The audience from where I sat were an entertainment in themselves. That is, had I not been attempting to engage & partner with them in performance. Otherwise, look out.
Crim continues to astonish & amaze me in our capacity to discover new forms of simple error. My own contribution to this evolving art form was to hang myself out to dry in the fast metal section of "FraKctured" where my Lunar Module was 20 programmes away from the sound I should have been using.
As my "preternatural sensitivities" develop, my confidence in accepting what I see grows. I continue to discover depth in the mechanics of the performance process, and this continues to inform & educate me. The liberal education that the young Fripp, 33 years ago, hoped the life of the working musician might provide continues to be provided.
Yippee! Spoken to Toyah & my Sister. This keeps me going in hard times.