Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Thursday 11 March 2010

DGM HQ The street I



The street I…






An important kitchen-discussion with David on the future of the music industry & our place in it. Also under consideration: the latest problem of copyright violation by UMG Sanctuary & the futility of dealing with their Mr. Second Tier Lawyer.

13.32    E-flurrying with Hernan and two dates are now in the post-Guitar Craft Calendar…

The Guitar Circe Of Europe: Summer Performance Project in Sant
Cugat, Spain, July 11 - August 8 with RF visiting July 19 - 26, 2010.

The Guitar Circle Of Latin America: RF & The OCG IV in Rosario,
Argentina, September 29 – October 6, 2010.

A call to David Enthoven, the E of EG; of happier times before Mr. Alder, Good Guy That You Can Trust, took over & set the company’s direction towards Endless Grief.

A call to Auntie Vivien Elliot at home in Lewes, Sussex on this, her 85th. birthday.

New arisings of the industrial kind: Pink Floyd has won their court action against EMI. EMI’s strategy, of defending the indefensible, is further evidence of witlessness in their corridors of power. Readers of this Diary may recall the account of David & myself being visited at DGM HQ by an EMI person, and being told by him (2003) that downloads aren’t important but we have to have them! It’s company policy! A company that has to have what isn’t important is either exceptionally stupid or lying to you; in either case, not a company to engage with in very much at all.

That was the end of our licensing deal with EMI, but not the end of our pain in dealing with them. Despite no download rights ever being granted, nevertheless EMI put up KC tracks for download – after the license had expired! And two audits showing huge sums of non-accounted & unpaid royalties took, in turn, two major efforts to extract cheques for sums payable to the Crims.

Dear innocents looking in from outside the industry: what would you do if you had no idea whether your contracted wages were going to be paid, or not, or when, and what proportion of the promised sum might eventually reach your hands? Today, please forgive me my lack of charitable impulse while running upstairs to where David was working, shouting – Good news! Good news! Pink Floyd has won!

A tarpit marked EMI is waiting.

Off to Dartmoor.

17.21    B&B Most Acceptable, Sandy Park, Chagford.

Leaving DGM HQ c. 13.50. A hard road is the A35. Two tractors on the main roadway to the West Country & everything slows to, well, tractor pace.

Arriving in Chagford for late lunch c. 16.10. at The New Forge I…




A very tasty lunch accompanied by a nearby Booby Throat-Clearer: even with nothing left to clear, the boobyite-tendency ensured continued unnecessary clearing.

To Parford Well I…




A call with the Minx, catching up on today’s arisings.

22.18    An evening computing.

22.48    Listening to JGB talks at Sherborne House. What a resource!

To settle.

