Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Sunday 06 December 1998

Devil Bug has struck again

10.31 Devil Bug has struck again. Your Diarist's psyche is not quite as pitiful and dribbling as in Boulder, but my throat hurts and the Fripp organism is beginning to gently feverise. The experience of this sad condition is ameliorated by the beginning lunchtime Soundscapes from the World Financial Center, second day, 19th. November. And what a pleasant surprise!

John Schaefer, Hero Radio Supporter of the Musical Arts, has written to suggest which Soundscapes to edit for transmission on January 13th. 1999. Our interview will accompany the music. But tragedy! neither FOH nor rack recordings of the first noon show, first day, have anything other than blankness about them. Similarly with the FOH for the evening. And the rack DAT for the evening is now trapped in my malfuntioning DAT machine with "Error 11" on display. But Hugh the Good has lent me his player and I am now re-engaged with music.

The last Soundscape is currently hovering and available; gentle, longing, wishing, full of a sense of loss.

The recent posts to ET and the DGM Guestbook on the subject of why there are various and many reasons to not, and many better things to do than, talk to Fripp (publicly, personally) have my full support. These posters have my encouragement to keep posting; but, better yet, please to tell all their friends & casual acquaintances, family & professional associates, not to attempt, seek or wish to engage with that spiky little tyke from Dorset. Even, go further: take out advertisements. Put your money behind what you believe to be right. Your postings so far have been too easy - take this as far as you can. Exert yourselves; make your words your actions - and see if you are able, and to what extent, to persuade others of your views!

Then, we may all gain from your exertions. My experiencing of public performance will have less distractions and your lives are better for proving your point. Hooray!

But I doubt you'll succeed. Please, try harder. Then, we may be able to share together our common experience of addressing irrational, irresponsible, careless, ill-considered and / or well-intentioned-but-thoughtless, behaviours of others (at least to the degree that these impinge upon us personally) by an appeal to reason; and failing.


The IMAC, Huntingdon, Soundscapes are resonating behind me. Paper surrounds me. Dribble. Dribble.

