Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 11 December 1998

David is very tired SouthWest

21.37 David is very tired. South-West Trains did terrible things to their passengers returning from London yesterday. David was so upset by the treatment of passengers (including an elderly lady walking home alone at 1.00 am along Salisbury's ring road) that today he wrote to the chairman of South-West, The Times and John Prescott (the responsible minister).

David told his story at the DGM Christmas lunch in Diane's house, a superb congreting of the full DGM Team, which lasted through the afternoon. Tasty and plentiful dishes of delight.

Pat Mastelotto arrived from Austin an hour before, so was welcomed in good form. We told him that DGM had office lunches like this everyday, but I don't think he believed us. Pat is visiting World Central to take part in the ProjeKct Four mixing, and I hope we may be able to get Radical up and Dancing.


A significant revibration in the Great Divide of "Neon Heat Disease" has energised the Dribbling Psyche of DGM's Production Manager and we are now through-listening.

Guestbook Response:

The time signatures in Larks' II:

Chords blocks: 5/4
Theme section: 4/4 & 5/4
Climbing section: 5/4, but with the first bar in 11/8 to offset the obvious downbeat against the not-so- obvious downbeat.
Solo section: you figure this one.

DGM News:

The US Club has 1200 orders for No. 2 - Jacksonville; the UK has 600 (only 6 members declined it).

We have refunded the money of the UK member who complained that the sound quality of KC "Live At The Marquee" wasn't very good. (This was typed without irony).

There are already 3,500 pre-orders in the US for the KC DVD "Deja VROOOM". (The PJ Crook artwork is stunning).

Meanwhile, back to King Crimson Live 1984-98: if a performance of the Double Trio today were as good as this, I would be a Happy Gigster. Surprisingly, this volume doesn't feel, or sound, like a retrospective. It's as fresh a crumping, stomping, bashing & crashing, spitting and ambiguating Crim as I would hope to walk on stage tonight. Retro-Crim - not.

David's original presentation of "Cirkus" to Declan was: "This is the 30th. Anniversary Reunion Concert that never happened". If there were to be a Reunion Concert of the full Crim team (unlikely to the max) then this is about as good a Virtual Reunion as I can currently conceive.

23.37 A winner. Another finely crafted piece of work from Discipline on behalf of the Creater Crim.

