Camp Caravan Royalston Massachusetts Waking
Camp Caravan, Royalston, Massachusetts.
Waking at 05.05 with sounds of action from the shared shower and bathroom. Falling back to sleep again, waking to the next visitor to the shared shower and bathroom.
Rising c. 05.35 and into the chamber myself.
06.43 Addressing the non-industrial dispute. Off to introduce a morning exercise.
10.23 Breakfast in the tent at 08.00 I…
Comments reports, observations, noticings and Points of Seeing invited.
Many good comments on The OCG meeting yesterday evening, including a tinge of negativity.
15.52 Meeting of the Special Study Group I at 09.30.
Personal meetings began at 10.00, continuing throughout the morning.
Lunch at 13.00.
Superb trio performance of Voices Of Ancient Children.
Bill R arrived from Seattle on the red-eye.
Work is underway on repertoire material.
17.57 Tea at 16.00 with a birthday performance for Patrick G by Horn Up Your Ass.
Personal meetings at 16.15.
Joining The Ship Of Fools with Frank Sheldon at 17.00. This was authentic OCG rehearsing.
Personal meetings begin again at 18.15, missing T’ai Chi with Luciano for the second time today.
Eating in the House dining room is called because of storm warnings.
23.11 Dinner at 19.00.
The Seven Assumptions For Work In The Circle were declared.
Three primary forms of action: leading, following, doing nothing.
The primary stable form of The OCG: the Circle.
The primary mobile form: the Procession.
The primary musical form of the Circle: circulating, including the Whizz Circulation.
The primary musical form of the Procession: the I-VI-VII Procession chords.
Four qualities of improvisation: jamming, extemporising, improvising and spontaneous composing.
In the front line - performance in public - we adopt strategies and develop a vocabulary.
The word that is not spoken: I hesitate before saying much, so as not to interrupt the process of discovery.
Work for this evening: Curt suggested Processing and the Whizz.
Four personal meetings 20.45 - 21.50.
The OCG at 22.00.
Beginning by refreshing our acquaintance with the Procession chords.
Then, playing them around the Circle. I found this wonderful.
Three signaled chords, then Processing until c. 22.50.
To the Whizz for c. 10 minutes.
Rain erupted but fell off sufficiently for a relatively dry return to the house.