The joinery firm is at home measuring up for a scullery unit. And tour-accounting is in for KC, following the heroic labours of Andy Leff, Artist Advocate.
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Fripp Photographing Children:: Posted by halbie on September 12, 2008
No doubt Fripp asked permission of the parents of the two unsuspecting children he photographed in the "breakfast trough" room to both take the picture and post it on the Internet for the world to see, right? Or has he been dwelling in "the basement"?
The second question first, because the answer is simple: of course! I know The Terrors of The Basement better than nearly everyone I know.
Second, the first question. When I chose the pix for the Diary, I knew for a certainty that there would be a Guestbook post on the topic, exposing That Awful Man’s hypocrisy, lack of sensitivity & general unbecomingness. The criteria we apply in taking / posting / distributing pictures snapped in public is an interesting subject which reasonable people can debate (to quote / paraphrase Henry Kissinger). The aim: to establish a consensus view of public / quasi-public decent conduct in a world revolutionised by widely available communication technology.
Given my own strongly & repeatedly expressed views on photography in public, and photography’s status as a de facto personal hobby, it may / may not surprise Mr. Halbie that I have several criteria which I apply to Diary pix and, in the instance to which he refers, they were indeed applied. But Mr. Halbie doesn’t ask me what those criteria are, and assumes that one of only two options – permission or non-sentience – was the governing factor in making a choice / non-choice. Are these my only two options?
Mr. Halbie continues. . . . waiting for forum post to be parsed and rationalized into self-justifying metaphysics.
This is simply rude & ill-mannered, reminiscent of the standard of discussion on Elephant Talk. Perhaps, prior to the metaphysics, two questions for Mr. Halbie: whence the attitude? Why the rudeness?
19.25 An early-afternoon practising. A later-afternoon carrying & organising at World HQ I…
22.13 An evening practising.
Night falls on Bredonborough…