Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Wednesday 07 November 2012

Bredonborough Rising to news of



Rising to news of the American election results. These were of little interest to WillyFred: banana-breakfast and the profession-of-love-through-play held a greater necessity for this little rabbity creature.

A call from the Minx in London.

Into the Cellar for morning reading I…






11.26 Editing The Guitar Circle: now v1.3.

On the DGM Guestbook…

Fripp Old and New
:: Posted by emory0 on November 04, 2012
DavidLy wrote...
"Who says Fripp isn’t creating new worKc?"

Meanwhile I hereby confess that Fripp’s time with the OCG and various orders of the Crafties in general does indeed qualify as ’making new music’, despite the fact that these endeavors are not readily consumable by the public. Arguably, Fripp is now making more music now than he has during many of the Crimson years.

New work? Yes. Although much of that work is not necessarily music as such.

GC Special Study Group
:: Posted by Triple_F on November 05, 2012
Fripp has occasionally made reference to a Guitar Craft Special Study Group in his diary… Most recently, Fripp urges the intentional renewal of the special study group’s project (whatever that might be) as it relates to "tomes of metaphysical import".  As an aspiring professional philosopher, a study group like this is of particular interest to me. Am I correct in understanding that there might be a website where this group virtually convenes?

Yes, to support our regular, although infrequent, personal meetings. The infrequency has a foundation of many years of frequency; and now our meetings At-A-Distance are supported by technology.

If so, can the metaphysical hobbyist be privy to this website?

No. This is participatory, an outcome of 27 years developing a common practice, mutual trust and acceptance, in service of a shared aim. I am describing a group, in the real sense of the word. This is exceptionally rare in my life.

If not, is there a way for me to take part in this group in a more tangible capacity?

Yes! Although not necessarily directly. My best advice: if you are drawn to this, attend a Guitar Circle course. Not interested in playing guitar? No obstacle at all. Neither am I.

14.18 Pre-packing and lunch.

15.00 … and fallen into e-flurrying.

17.17 Onto the Street I…




… and down the garden I…








… returning to more pre-packing and the Cellar.

18.47 Dissentient eruptions. Cindy Bennett has posted on Facebook…

Cindy Bennett: Communication between Bennett Books… and The Estate of J.G. Bennett has completely broken down - with a statement from Bennett Books "Sue me..”

It has now been brought to the attention of The Estate of J.G. Bennett that Bennett Books has been distributing ebooks, for which they hold no digital rights. This is a violation of DMCA...

Bennett Books have published electronic versions of four JG Bennett titles, even though Bennett Books have no digital rights to the material. This is a serious matter.

The publication date is given as 02april2012…


As the nominated representative, of the JG Bennett & Elizabeth Bennett Estate, responsible for the Estate’s dealings with Bennett Books, B Books made no mention of this to me in our several exchanges since March 2012 (and before) including a telephone conversation on 12th.  April 2012.

While seeking a Settlement Agreement between Bennett Books and the JGB Estate. from my e-mail to Bennett Books 7th. May 2012 on the subject of digital rights…

3.    Clause 6 - Digital, electronic and phonographic rights in all material is vested in the Estate – is a clarifying statement of the extant position. That is, Clause 6 does not provide for a transference of existing electronic rights from Bennett Books to the Estate: Bennett Books does not hold any digital rights in the material to which it has current and valid print contracts; has never had electronic rights; and cannot presume to have been granted such. No contract between Bennett Books and the JGB Estate (of which I am aware and informed) contains a New Technologies or similar clause that allows for Bennett Books to make available the JGB material in E-Books or any other form of digital publication / transmission.

The following is therefore problematic: Do you have a concern for the future of John Bennett's literary legacy? If so, please make a online contribution, which amount will be deposited into the J.G. Bennett Publishing Fund account and used to keep Mr. Bennett's books in print and to finance their conversion to eBOOKS. For more information about the fund, please send us an email.  Thank you! The Bennett Books Associates
The Bennett Books’ website is soliciting donations to finance (Mr. Bennett's books’) conversion to eBOOKS when Bennett Books does not have digital or electronic rights in any JGB material. Therefore, it is improper for you to solicit donations for the transfer to any form of electronic media, such as the four current formats, nor any to be invented. Will you kindly remove this from your website immediately?

The Bennett Books’ website is soliciting donations to finance (Mr. Bennett's books’) conversion to eBOOKS when Bennett Books does not have digital or electronic rights in any JGB material. Therefore, it is improper for you to solicit donations for the transfer to any form of electronic media, such as the four current formats, nor any to be invented. Will you kindly remove this from your website immediately?

The work to convert the JGB written material to digital format is already underway by The JGB Foundation which is, unlike Bennett Books, a legal non-profit in the U.S. entitled to solicit and receive tax-deductible donations.

Soon after sending this, the solicitation for digital-conversion was removed from the Bennett Books’ site.

For those with interest in the legacy of JGB (and EB’s) work, the move to electronic publication is a major event. For Bennett Books to e-publish and make no reference to this with the Estate and myself, in our various correspondence immediately before e-publication and subsequently, even during our telephone conversation on 12th. April 2012, is an act of bad faith. It is also illegal.

A formal statement has been put on the JGB site…
- an independent family-owned site.
The Estate of J.G. Bennett wishes to clarify that:

1. The Estate of J.G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett regrets to announce that, after years of supporting and encouraging Bennett Books and its publication of titles by J.G. Bennett, it is no longer able to do so. Despite repeated attempts to agree new publishing contracts with Bennett Books to replace all the existing contracts that have expired, this has proved impossible.

2. As a result, since any former contractual arrangements between Bennett Books and the Estate of J.G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett have now expired, Bennett Books have no right to publish further works of J.G. Bennett, or to solicit donations for such a purpose. Donations made to the Bennett Books publishing fund cannot be used to publish new titles by J. G. Bennett, or republish titles currently in print.

3.  Nevertheless, people who wish to purchase existing titles from the stock that Bennett Books still holds may do so from the usual sources.

This is deeply regrettable, in a number of ways.

To practising.

21.14 The Minx arrived home from her adventures in London c. 1955.

A MinxWalk around the town.

21.40 E-eruption.
