Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Tuesday 06 November 2012

Bredonborough NightWorld in our Fripp



NightWorld: in our Fripp Kids’ room at Leigh Road. And on a course with Elizabeth Bennett. This was a large course and, towards the end of it, perhaps 130 people had instruments, nearly all guitars. The course seems to have become a GC course. There were elements in these dreams which I noted as they unfolded; elements that have appeared in dreams for at least 25 years; and which I recognize as advice.

In DayWorld, when the alarm went off, WillyFred hurtled into action from under the bed. Downstairs, he was given the fruit that dare not speak its name lest it provoke an eruption of uncontrollable rabbitty fervor.

Into the Cellar I…








… for morning reading I…




The first three pages of this are sufficient reason for publication IMO.

Bookmark: WillyFred grumpy that he doesn’t get enough banana and playtime…


16.23 Computing and onto the grey street for shopping…


An afternoon practicing the First Secondary Exercise.

A little paperwork and into the Cellar for more computing.

17.25 A Facebook yesterday-posting by Ben Bennett:

I'd like to clarify something:

1. Donations made to the Bennett Books Publishing Fund are made to the owners of Bennett Books, James Tomarelli and Michela Aveta Tomarelli, who have no connection with the J.G. Bennett Foundation, or with the Estate of J.G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett, and since 2010, the Estate has received no financial benefit from the sales of books published by Bennett Books.

2. Any former contractual arrangements between Bennett Books and the Estate of J.G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett have now expired, as a result of which Bennett Books have no right to publish further works of J.G. Bennett, or to solicit donations for such a purpose.

3. The J.G. Bennett Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization depending for its continued existence on sales of e-books and recordings, and on the donations of supporters. The mission of the Foundation is to spread awareness of J.G. Bennett's work, to publish and distribute teachings, transmit oral teachings and make resources available for further projects consistent with Bennett's work.

As an authorized representative of the JG Bennett & Elizabeth Bennett Estate since September 2011, dealing with Bennett Books has been, and continues to be, problematic. This is the non-industrial dispute that has been mentioned on occasions in the Diary.

17.50 An invitation to take part in a Gathering. From the reply…

our OCG presentations are a way of "making ceremony"; alternatively expressed, finding new ways of worship appropriate to time, place, person & circumstance.

in this specific situation: the OCG course begins at CC on may 20th. 2013 with a view to presenting three major public performances on the east coast the following weekend.

to honour this, we need to keep a close focus. so, in this particular, i gratefully and respectfully decline the invite.

however, i wholeheartedly support…

18.02    E-fury enough for the nonce. To practising.

21.25 The Secondaries are continuing.

Playtime for WillyFred.
