Bredonborough Blowyness in the night
Blowyness in the night although the SuperStorm didn’t quite land here. In the West Country there are major problems: flooding continues, rail transport is disrupted.
On the Street I…
No morning reading for me.
17.24 Lunch with especial Minx-vegetables and salmon. T set off to her show c. 14.35…
To packing and organising.
Mr. Bill is in the attic preparing for KC Drumsonising this week: three drummers and a bass player.
Data whirrs, i-devices are being charged.
23.05 Supper at 19.00 with Bill.
Into the Cellar for practising, data continuing to whirr.
Online check-in at 22.30 for tomorrow’s travelling, and upstairs for WillyFred. T should be home c. 24.30.