Bredonborough A clear vivid dream
A clear, vivid dream of a personal meeting with Mr. Bennett. A NightWorld event.
Into the Cellar for morning reading…
11.21 … and a return to The Writing Project! The Guitar Circle Third Draft 1.1 is available, following data-retrieval from the damaged HD. The last year’s work on The WP now recovered.
To the vet in Evesham with WillyFred…
13.54 The suffering WillyFred is booked for rabbit-dentistry tomorrow morning. Home I…
… and lunch.
17.05 An afternoon of e-fury and computing. Mr. Cheese the Constructionist is in the garden, repairing, following recent vandalism.
19.03 Andrea Pins arrived at 17.10 with adjusted-clothing for the short-legged, short-armed, post-mature male.
The Minx set off for her evening meeting c. 17.50.
19.32 T is home, and computing enough.
Supper and to gentle. WillyFred needs to be fussed and loved.