It's strange how time works when you have a hard deadline in the future. To begin with, it moves slowly - one year away, six months away, one month away. Little apparent difference. Until it gets closer and suddenly moves towards you like an express train - every day, every hour, every minute carrying you closer.
This tour has been a little like that. Extensive planning while it was a distant future, slow early on with ten days of quarantine. And now I wake this morning and we only have three shows left. Two of them are sold out (Tachikawa Stage Garden on the 5th and Orchard Hall on the 8th). I imagine the penultimate show will follow shortly.
Which leaves us with planning the various changing requirements for the trip home (PCR tests within 24 hours of flying for the USA).
The Festival Hall in Osaka has been a wonderful venue over the last two days. Now back to Tokyo.