Congress Hall
At the end of the night, Belew asks “One more?” to a very enthusiastic crowd who answer with a resounding yes. It seems Red, even after all this time, has the ability to simultaneously excite and enrapture crowds and provide all manner of bear traps the length of the fretboard for the unsuspecting fingers of even these seasoned guitarists.
What was it like on stage? Fripp offers his perspective on the matter. “The sound was awful. Polish Crim enthusiasts deserved better, and so did the band. Adrian had a good night, the Rhythm Buddies had a bad night with low-end feedback onstage, I had a mixed night. The energy of the show came & went, there were strong moments, strange moments & moments when there was violation, unseen but present.
At the end a strong, supportive & generous audience were supportive & generous. Did I mention they deserved better? I have no idea what tonight might have been like at the front. I do know that this band deserves a better opportunity to present who & what-it-is to people keen to embrace who & what-it-is. Have I mentioned that already?”