Energy-wise the set really takes of with FaKcts Of Life, including an absolutely scorching revved up section from Fripp.
The Power To Believe seems to open up a mood or feeling that’s not too far removed from the kind of reverie which The Sheltering Sky would confer upon the setlists of previous incarnations. Less static in character, the combination of the bell-like electronic percussion, the gentle strings and the final ascending guitar solo, creates something rather magical.
An uneven gig in places largely due to some equipment and tuning trouble but not without some of that Crimson presence and power. Fripp’s take on the gig? “Crimson managed to discover new wrinkles where old wrinkles are well furrowed already, but with spirit & some strong playing. A generous, supportive audience. During the final encore, Red, a battery of flashes erupted. They were probably not aimed at me, but my show was killed stone dead. What a pity. After last night, performance seemed an option again.”