You can hear them finding their feet, getting settled and then flying off into space: this version of Seizure is amongst the best you’ll ever hear. Heavy ConstruKction presages some of the themes and textures which Gunn and Mastelotto would revisit many years later with KTU.
Although the energy levels for the second set dip in comparison to the frenzied highs of the first, the reflective musing of Masque 5 and a burning ProjeKction (aka Frying Pan from TCOL)with a top-notch top Gunn solo will reward the patient listener.
In his diary, Fripp notes that it was “a mixed affair,” adding “Trey figured that about half the performance worked. For an improvising outfit, that's a good hit.”
Some of this material first appeared on the P3 disc of the ProjeKcts boxset though this is the first time it has been available in its unedited form.