What happens when you put two formidably talented Stick players in a room with an idea? They try and try again to iron out the creases and wrinkles. This is Trey and Tony taking time out from the main recording of Thrak to see if they could get an idea to fly. Despite going on for an hour (this is just an extract) it never quite made it from the drawing board stage. Fascinating nevertheless. I don’t know about you, but does this particular idea share some of the same DNA of Trey’s labyrinthine bass line to The ConstruKction of Light?
This track is available for download as part of a bumper collection of Mr Stormy's Monday Selections. His Fourth year of treasures from the murky, cavernous DGM archives, torch in hand, fedora upon his head is already available for download.
This track was one of Stormy's Monday selections. It is currently available as part of his next bumper collection. His Fourth year of treasures from the murky, cavernous DGM archives, torch in hand, fedora upon his head is already available for download.
What happens when you put two formidably talented Stick players in a room with an idea? They...
While I enjoyed the music and couldn’t stop myself from playing ’spot the theme’ the thing that surprised me about this excerpt was how it made me laugh. There’s a wonderful energy between T-Lev and Trey on show here.