In the liner notes for the 2002 edition of Let The Power Fall, Sid Smith writes, "Fripp recalls that EG Management’s Mark Fenwick was concerned that “the audience would see that the emperor has no clothes,” failing to grasp that this was the point. “Right, so they see the emperor has no clothes. The emperor is saying, ‘but I have no clothes’. So what is left? Music, in that moment and something becomes possible. For me, to actually be able to look people in the eyes and play a note and have a question, and the people who would come along and sit on the floor, most of them actually had authentic questions about their musical experience. And it’s so easy to overlook the power that music has even today, controlled as it is by the industry. It was astonishing to be able to make direct one-to-one contact with nice, good, honest people right in front. It was stunning. I loved it, that immediate context: get the fucking management out of the way.”