It’s just a short hop and skip from Pittsburgh to Youngstown - 70 miles to be exact, trivia fans - yet the League sound a little lost when they rocket through their opening number with both Barry Andrews and Sara Lee losing their way more than once. Given that Fripp then undertakes an announcement immediately afterward suggests that technical difficulties were plaguing the band. Quick on his feet, Fripp suggests that he and Barry would play a little duet bumping up the delicate little Prelude number from its usual mid-way point. However, from his subsequent announcement, it’s clear that Fripp is feeling somewhat beleaguered by a pocket of overbearing fans exercising the imagined consumer rights to a piece of him. It’s not until after Trap that things begin to find their equilibrium. “Now having run the gauntlet of deficient pedalboards, broken strings, and irritant pests, we can launch into the evening,” he says with a little edge in his voice after Heptaparaparshinokh. Life on the road can be a hard place indeed.
It’s just a short hop and skip from Pittsburgh to Youngstown - 70 miles to be exact, trivia fans - yet the League sound a little lost when they rocket through their opening number with both Barry Andrews and Sara Lee losing their way more than once. Given that Fripp then undertakes an announcement immediately afterward suggests that technical diffi...