“I wanna see this shit,” says a punter who was, presumably, on his way past the desk at the back and on his way forward to the front. We’ll never know if once having got there he started hopping and bopping or if he simply stared in direct contravention of Robert’s entreaty prior to the band kicking off with their signature tune, Inductive Resonance. A glance at the Pittsburgh Music History website reveals that “bands gigged in the back room on a wide stage set along the side wall a few inches off the ground. The walls were thick grey stone and the ceiling was low. To soak up the ricocheting sounds parachutes were hung across the ceiling.”It’s a lively crowd at The Decade with the customary whoops and wails. However, in addition, we get the bonus of an outburst of spontaneous punky chanting during Heptaparaparshinokh and Minor Man. Toward the final quarter of the show the tension between the dancers and the stationary punters. “For those who are standing here mobile being stared at, isn’t helpful.” We love you, shouts out one of them. “You may love me, sir but you’re stealing me with your adoration.”
“I wanna see this shit,” says a punter who was, presumably, on his way past the desk at the back and on his way forward to the front. We’ll never know if once having got there he started hopping and bopping or if he simply stared in direct contravention of Robert’s entreaty prior to the band kicking off with their signature tune, Inductive Resonanc...