The standard of cleanliness and order asked of a Guitar Craft House is that it is fit to welcome a valued and respected guest, should they arrive unexpectedly and unannounced.
This Guitar Craft House, clean and ordered, is metaphorically and analogically more than a building within which Guitar Craft activities are conducted—it is a metaphor for the Crafty Lifer.
A Lifer is one whose commitment is persistent and ongoing; that is, persistent and ongoing in the good times, the bad times—most difficult of all—the experientially long times when nothing seems to be happening at all; and which commitment is available to be tested and verified, also on an ongoing basis.
Saturday, 25th. January 2003
Villa Mercedes / Padres Claretianos
Calle San Pascual Nº 3, esquina travesía San Pascual
28 460 Los Molinos
Madrid, España.