Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Friday 19 February 1999

This morning the coi in

10.54 This morning the coi in the hotel's water garden began to move outwards from the corner where they have been, unmoving, all week. When I first sat here for breakfast, last Saturday, I was disappointed to see no activity at all from these beautiful creatures. Disappointment, assuming they'd been removed. Then, two morning's ago, I saw them clustered together in one corner of the pool, almost still. Today, for the first time, they have moved outwards.

This is also a metaphor for my own morning. During my morning sitting a global conceptual breakthrough, on the nature of DGM, came on download.

Now, I'm exhausted & 97% packed.

Guestbook Response:

Kathleen Cruz & music for dance: "What should I do to get permission to use KC music or any other music on the DGM label?".

Please contact DGM Licensing Department with your specific request and proposal. I am very happy, in principle, to support this. Recently, several licenses have been issued in respect of the historic KC catalogue (sold by Messrs. Alder & Fenwick of EG) via BMG Publishing / Virgin Records. A recent well-known example is "Moonchild" in the movie "Buffalo 66" (which I approved).

Fortunately, DGM's CEO is both a Venal Leader & a patron of the arts. If he is able to exploit any music issued on / through Discipline, sqeezing the hard-earned pay from the artistic hands and feet of dancers & film-makers, while supporting the work of other artists simultaneously, can benefit DGM, outside artists & the musicians on Discipline.

When we support each other, the impossible becomes only difficult.

13.15 How we see the world changes the world, because the world sees itself through our eyes; and we are not apart from the world. The corollary is, the world is not apart from us.

Tets will be here at 14.30 to record an ID for a radio station, then I'm off - home!

