RF: When is BootlegTV's birthday.
SB, Mr. GGL, DS: Discussion, discussion.
RF: Well, we've got to be born or we wouldn't be having this discussion.
DS: Robert's been telling people BootlegTV began yesterday, with the lease on the offices, the 12 staff & the money.
SB: Robert feels yesterday is the birthday.
Consensus: February 1st. is BootlegTV's birthday.
So, there you have it: BootlegTV was born on the first of February, got up and began to move around on the 2nd., and by the beginning of the 3rd. is breaking into a brisk trot.
Interesting synchronicity: one of the performances to be made available on BTV is King Crimson - Live In Japan 1984 (currently available on video). Sitting in the 5th. row on that evening in Tokyo, the first of 3 shows, was Mr. Good Guy Lawyer.
Here a comment - often, I ask people who express an interest in KC: what brought you here? I have my own answer to this, one I have not yet been given in response. But, sufficient to the moment, I note: there is a family, and members of that family move towards each other. Sometimes, this is obvious; often, if takes many years. So, two more questions:
What is a family?
Where does a family originate?
On the subject of family, today the Little Horse has been rehearsing in Brixton for a major presentation on behalf of the NHS later today. The Minister of Health will be present, also the official Labour candidate for Mayor of London, Mr. Dobson. This politicizes the event considerably. The Minister of Health is currently fronting responses to how a NHS doctor, found guilty on Monday of murdering 15 patients and suspected of killing 146 in all, could have done this within the National Health system. (For visitors from abroad, the case is horrific). And the mayoral race for London is, well, political anyway.
In this heady brew my wonderful little Wife will find herself tomorrow.
Now, I need help. Gustav the Suffering is, once again, delivering the goods. And what a price he must have paid to bring the tears of God within audible range.
Joe the Prolific has taken a break and handed over to Wellwater Conspiracy. I regret to report that this 1999 CD, produced, written, arranged & mixed by Wellwater Conspiracy, isn't actually owned by the producers, writers, arrangers, mixers & artist. Is there something in this picture which doesn't compute?
E-frenzy temporarily subsided, Wellwater Conspiracy resting, it's off to World Central for all manner of ongoing frenzies to erupt.