Marriot Newark Airport Lobby Waking
Marriot, Newark Airport Lobby.
Waking at 05.00, but rising later than at any time this past week.
Breakfast I…
… and calls with the Minx at home in sunny Bredonborough, on her first authentic free day for the past six months; and to the Sistery Person in Vegas.
Gentle, unhurried packing, organizing, and e-mailing. Of this, with a week offline, there is a pile.
In the lobby, with WillyFred in the Newark Marriot…
17.27 The inbox attacked furiously. The Minx called, on her way to bed.
Here, to close the computer and move towards check-in.
19.01 Restaurant El Feeblo, Newark Airport.
A straightforward check-in and extended security. The considerable and varied contents of my (Former) Happy Gigster’s Briggs & Riley Wonder Wheelie provoked a detailed examination.
Security: What’s this? Cigarettes?
Two security persons became involved, confused by a pile of fabbo dulce de leche packets of condensed and concentrated bliss, brought from Argentina by Horacio.
RF: Would you like one?
Security: No. What’s this?
RF: Halva.
Security: What’s that?
Then to Turkish Delight (a gift from Jon D).
Security: What’s this?
RF: Marzipan from Lubeck (a gift from Germany of Mr. Marty).
Security: You have a sweet tooth.
And we hadn’t even been through the ginger chocolate and, to be confessed without guilt, a pile of other super-tasty things to provide comfort for an old and lonely traveller.
19.35 To the gate.