Hotel Acceptable, Redmond Town Centre.
Rising at 06.15 to a reading & reflective breakfast I…
Patricia appeared by the breakfasting trough just before nine – my guest appearance at her speaking school is moved forward from 14.00 to 11.00.
12.17 Stepping onto a speaking platform after / during / before Patricia
Fripp requires courage, daring, bravery of a rare order all of which I
exemplify in spades. These, and a dash of assumed innocence mixed with wide
ignorance of her professional field of endeavour I…
I walked on just after 11.00 & the presentation to be well received I…
Mucho relieved that the in-the-pocket performance of the tour is completed. Back to the less demanding activity of recording views from the room I…
18.18 A gentle afternoon computing.
20.33 Dinner with an exhausted Sistery Person. She feels her speaker school went well.
Lobby call for 07.45.