A cold day.
A new window…
11.02 Blower’s Bistro & Wine Imbiberie.
An e-flurry at home, an e-flurry over morning coffee.
11.38 An astonishing portion of deceit from the music industry for one morning.
13.23 Carrying bookshelves & organising.
14.35 Practising.
Now returning to e-flurrying & addressing professional deceit. If this is what I am doing today, what was I doing in November 33 years ago?...
There are stories to be related, but at another time.
17.58 Evening falls I…
An afternoon practising, with e-flurrying interspersed. Industry obfuscation, evasion & incompetence continue to attract my attention.
Has this been formally presented in this Diary before? I have let go of the life of the working player to better address behaviour that is clearly unethical and, with some demonstration & presentation of argument & information, examples of deception, exploitation & theft that characterise & determine everyday life in the music industry.
As a younger player, I left the management of my business affairs to my managers, EG Management, that they might promote & defend my interests while I addressed the specifically musical responsibilities of the working player. The position changed over a few years to where I / we were managed (read controlled) in such a way as to promote the interests of the managers nominally responsible for managing mine / ours. The outcome of focusing on the musicking had some fine results & outcomes, but at a very high personal & professional price. Now, for perhaps a year, the prime focus of my professional life has been addressing the repercussions of standard industry practice (such as non-payment of income equating to 3-5 years full-time touring); relieved & ameliorated by some celebrating. The industry knows: when the player is touring, they are especially vulnerable. So, dear industry, please know: I am no longer touring.
20.45 The Minx returned from her travels just after six. An early supper & a well-dressed walk around the town. Coldness there is.
To settle.