Bredonborough A bright and sunny
A bright and sunny day: and what a difference, on entering the day, to enter a world of light and colour!
Head Gardener Matthew and Assistant Gardener Cara were at the back door, adding fairy dust of the planting kind I…
Sadie the Domestic Organiser is now in, sprinkling her own form of fairy dust over our home.
In the Cellar, morning reading I…
Silence. My own experiential understanding of Silence comes from nearly three decades of the Silence which embraces Guitar Craft and the Guitar Circle. Interesting to read another approach to this: silence as absence, the intentional omission of what might be said, even what needs to be spoken, rather than Silence as Presence.
17.15 MinxLunch by the back door.
Shopping on the High Street…
… and e-fury. The press of the mundane is cruel. And a return of the ongoing non-industrial dispute.
20.55 Local pals from down the street visited at 18.10. News of the local kind: their son co-scripted the big do at Twickenham this past Saturday, with Madonna, J-Lo, Beyonce et al. Cakes, bubbling solution and a walk down the garden. Most enjoyable.
To e-flurrying and the latest arisings in the World Of UMG. Well.
To gentle.