The Big Three's morning meeting addressed current & developing technologies; the Collectors' Club; a new secretary (who begins next Monday - hooray!); DGM's precarious position while waiting for the public response to our new ventures & relationships. These, and more.
John Bungey visited for 3 hours. Matt Snow, power possessing editor of Mojo, has commissioned John to write a 6,000 word article for Crimson's 30th. Anniversary year.
Packing. Packing.
What of ProjecKt Three? David & I were scheduled to listen at 17.00 but he was unable to listen to it: his work upstairs has put him in another space. So, tomorrow morning I shall sit with Alex & see where we are.
This evening: packing, packing. And a telephone conversation with Hernan Nunez to catch up on news of South American & German Crafties. A significant number of those who come into Guitar Craft have drug problems & nearly all have a drug background, from recreational use to (heroin & cocaine) addiction. Many of the team give up using after courses. For some who have suffered major problems, GC is an important element in cleaning up.