Music Hall
Fracture’s extreme dynamics means that you get a lot of unwelcome whoops and hollering but as the wave picks up, that’s all swept away in a committed performance. With three tracks from the previous year’s LTIA and three from the recently released Starless And Bible Black in the set tonight, the band offer the newly composed Starless, complete with some brown-noting ‘tron from Fripp at the beginning and Wetton voicing lyrics that were still then in a state of flux.
The following improv though short contains some typical Crimso atmospherics which slowly evolve into a stately theme Mellotron flute and doubled on pianet. Though fleeting, and most likely spontaneous, it’s an example of where the boundaries between formal composition and improvisation become blurred. The final run of Talking Drum and LTIA Pt 2 is delivered with amazing ferocity and spirit the performances completely transcend the limitations of this venerable source recording. Absolutely phenomenal.