Join the 1000 club today

1000 Club

The One Thousand Club is an exclusive Club for long-term King Crimson fans, who wish to support the continued work of this site, and value the ongoing work of the King Crimson archives.

There is an annual subscription of $100 a year (varying slightly by territory for sales tax/VAT reasons). For that you get :

  • Up to $500 free downloads a year.

Enough to download everything that is added to the site in a year, and much more. Build yourself the authoritative King Crimson collection, and then advise others on the hidden gems you discover.

  • Preferential free access to Family & Friends Concerts.

Before each of their tours, the current King Crimson have played a "family and friends" concert: an invite-only warm up gig before a select audience. On a first-come first-served basis, members of the 1,000 Club will be given a free invitation to these special gigs.

  • Special user profile

We have designed a special user logo for 1,000 Club-members, similar to the one for the core DGMLive team. With their special access to all the downloads on the site, we encourage 1,000 Club members to curate the site - sharing their knowledge and insights by placing reviews and comments, as well as making suggestions to the rest of the DGMLive team.

  • Why is it called the 1,000 Club?

Because membership is strictly limited to exactly 1,000 members. Once it is full, there will be a waiting list and any new members can only join if someone chooses to leave.

  • Why the number 1,000?

The number is partly based on Kevin Kelly's notion of the "one thousand true fans" that support a band or artist. We reward those fans by offering them free downloads, as well as other goodies. In return, we ask them to use their enhanced position to review those downloads, help curate the site, and make recommendations to new users and the DGM archivists.

  • How do I join?

Places are available on a first-come first-served basis. We have however kept a certain number of reserved places so that those known to be long-term supporters of the band, through their track record as DGM customers, have the opportunity to join should they wish. For further details, or to be placed on the waiting list, please email [email protected].

  • It's your Club.

'Where next' for the 1,000 Club is entirely up to the members. We are open to suggestions. Take the idea and run with it.

